Raphael Ben David
Type of Healing Offered Integrative Healing–working on the wholeness of the person. Hands-on intuitive body healing (massage, acupressure, shiatsu, mineral work, plant work); mind healing (Jungian psychology with a bent toward James Hillman); soul healing (methods of Judaic meditations). Shamanic healer.
Format of Healing Sessions 1-3 hour sessions with men only
Locations of Healing Sessions Anywhere in Israel
Other Types of Healing Offered Sweat lodge healing
Preferred & Other Contact Info 052 358 8622
Hours of Contact 8a-6p
Other Wholesome Activities Healing work in nature
What Can You Help Heal? I channel G-d’s healing for post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSS); help people connect conscious and non-conscious minds together so they fulfill the wholeness and integratedness of their selves.
Who Is This Healing Best For? Anybody who wishes to further their own consciousness, become a better person, and realize a fuller life.
What Makes This Type of Healing Work? Integrates the body, soul, and mind so that the wholeness runs more synchronatically.
Freebies & Discounts Discount for people who come to Arad for sessions
Workshops & Instruction Offered Teachings on Judaic meditations, individually or with groups
Where Did You Learn This Healing (List courses, etc.)? Degrees in Psychology and Anthropology; field work and dissertation on Native American shamanism (two medicine men from Sioux tribe). Private study including field work in herbs and herbology. 6-months at Jungian Institute in Los Angeles. Private study with other healers, including Yakira Lee.