Activities I try to start my day by taking the goats out to pasture on the green hills around our house. It relaxes me to give facial massages and body work to my two prima donnas–Lizzie and Rissie–and the kids are always funny as they hop and twist in mid-air. My hobbies–when I have time for them: Gardening, swimming, dancing, cheese-making. I love making sourdough challa for Shabbat and start getting hungry on Thursday just thinking about its steamy, soft interior and yeasty aroma! Yum! TravelHere are some of my favorite places in the world, and some photo links! Favorite: Island: Santorini (photo). Harbor: Chania, Crete (photo). Cliff: Amalfi Coast, Italy (photo). Lake: Kinneret, Israel (photo). Cities: Boston and Washington, DC. Building: Ste. Chapelle, Paris (photo). Synagogue: Ramban Shul (Old City /Jerusalem). Place To Pray: Bat Ayin, Israel. Favorite Grocery Store: Machaneh Yehuda (the “shuk,” Jerusalem). Valley: Lauterbrunnen (Switzerland). Art and DesignFavorite Typographer: Herb Lubalin. Favorite Painter: Monet. Favorite Sculptor: Rodin. Favorite Wall Material: Glass. Favorite Housewares: Orrefors Crystal (Sweden) and Arabia stoneware (Finland). My Background in HealingI first started learning healing more than 20 years ago to test which foods my kids might be allergic to. My teacher was Carolyn Lee Tubman (Maryland). Although I learned good testing techniques, I personally had trouble getting accurate answers. That changed when we moved to Israel. My teenaged daughter Shoshana (see her now at ROGA) discovered she was a healer and began studying with talented Sefardi French healer Efrat Dahan, teaching Chana Luk’s system called Ohr HaEmuna. Since I was paying for private lessons anyway–why not sit in? That’s how I discovered I was a healer too! Efrat taught us–among many things–how to increase our clarity and commitment to our client through standard Jewish prayers and intentions (kavanot). Since then we’ve had the good fortune to study with Haya (Winiarz) Baker in Efrat and with Alexander (Sasha) Fridmar and Efim Svirsky in Jerusalem. These teachers all bring healing through a more sincere and loving connection to our Creator and to ourselves. Meanwhile, I invented a diagnostic trick using names, as well as a fun way to get streams of information on our lives (based on Julia Cameron’s Morning Pages in The Artist’s Way). I call the latter “Guided Healing,” or “Google Chat Healing,” although of course skype and in person work as well. After studying The Journey with Brandon Bays, I spent a few years studying Craniosacral Therapy (Upledger) and Family Constellations in Bethesda (MD), Columbia (MD), Denver, W. Palm Beach, Santa Monica, Tel Aviv, and Toronto, squeezing in a remarkable Brain Gym I weekend with Denise Hornbeak in San Diego and Family Constellations week-long trainings with Bert Hellinger in Bad Reichenhall, Germany, and Vlado Ilic in Split, Croatia. All this has given me a triple way to help people access the healing they need: Body (Craniosacral Therapy), Heart (Family Constellations), and Mind (Guided Healing). Although I take my responsibility as a healer very seriously, it is also a lot of fun! To study Family Constellations with other people who see life as I do, who want to help each other, who are open to the joy of trauma relief–these are things I hold very precious. I have witnessed people’s faces changing permanently after a Family Constellation–going from hardened and angry to relaxed and grateful in one hour! I feel blessed to see the same changes happening in my treatment room: The light, the love, the smiles, the sense of connection to Good, the exhilaration–these are all part of the miracles of my everyday life. I am so grateful to HaKadosh Baruch Hu for entrusting me with His children as I walk their journeys with them. So as healers, our work is really quite easy. We just get the required skills and then…listen and help the body and emotions self-correct. We do not do this alone. In true healing, we find the soul or inspiration from the Heavens helping us–guiding us–along the way. |